Prep-For-Study - the ideal preparation for your studies at the htw saar and in Germany

Prep-For-Study is intended for those international study applicants who want to take up their studies in Germany but who fulfill the academic requirements only indirectly. Firstly, an applicant’s foreign university entrance qualification is not always recognized as being equivalent to the German Abitur, in which case completing a study preparation program is required. Secondly, the Prep-For-Study is useful even for those international study applicants who are already qualified for direct admission to a German university. Our program offers them a more solid language and academic foundation for their future studies in Germany, an easier transition from their home country’s educational system to the German model, and a better starting position for adjusting to life in Germany and successfully earning their degree here.

Our program’s curriculum extends well beyond the offerings of a regular “study prep college” (Studienkolleg). We offer an integrated approach, so that by the time you begin your studies, you’ll be equipped with the academic qualifications as well as the necessary field-related language skills. Moreover, your skills in scientific methods for engineering studies should be developed to a level that is equivalent to those of incoming German students.

Our qualified instructors prepare you for the examination subjects of German, Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics. After two semesters you’ll be given a final examination as part of the program. All instructional materials have been developed exclusively for our program for the purpose of providing a high-quality preparation for your subsequent studies.

In addition, the program provides intercultural training as an ongoing component of the preparation course, making it easier for you to integrate into German life.

Prep-For-Study at a glance

  • Optimum study preparation through combined language and technical/scientific course
  • Integration into academic and research operations at the htw saar through on-campus course
  • Personalized advising for easier integration into life and studies in Germany
  • Intercultural training
  • International location in the Saar-Lor-Lux region, right in the heart of Europe
  • Highly qualified docents with many years of professional experience
  • Application and admission to the program also possible prior to finishing high school
  • The Prep-For-Study final examination grants access to an engineering study program at the htw saar
  • We arrange places for external participation in a Feststellungsprüfung (FSP), which enables admission to other German universities (on request).

From the beginning, our team at FITT is by your side with advice and practical assistance. We’ll be glad to help you find living accommodations in Saarbrücken and provide support for any issues related to your visa and your stay in Germany.


Four steps to Prep-For-Study

1.  Application for the program

  • completion of the application form on our home page
  • an invitation for our written online admission test in mathematics, and follow-up online interview
  • participation in the admission test

2.   Admission to the program

  • Receipt of information notice from FITT with instructions for payment
  • Timely payment of the course fees to FITT
  • Receipt of conditional admission from the htw saar
  • Submission of language certification B1 and your high school leaving certificate to FITT as soon as possible and not later than six weeks before your arrival

3.   Visa application

  • Read the information posted on the German Embassy website of your home country
  • Prepare all necessary documents and make an appointment with the German embassy

4.   Arrival in Germany and beginning the program in Saarbrücken

  • Inform us as soon as you have booked your ticket to Frankfurt
  • You’ll be picked up at the airport
  • Once here in Germany you’ll receive all further documents and information for your stay here